A new documentary is giving Texas parents a shocking look at what’s being taught in their kids’ schools: sexually explicit materials “so heinous that they are illegal everywhere else except in the classroom.”
“The Mind Polluters,” premiering this week in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, exposes deliberate efforts by schools to normalize sexual behavior of every kind, using materials and methods the filmmakers say are intentionally “grooming” children to engage in risky sex and setting kids up for abuse.
“They want to sexualize kids,” said Monica Cline, one of the Texas-based activists featured in the documentary.
The film documents the origins and damaging effects of graphic Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) and brain-rewiring Social Emotional Learning (SEL) being pushed through the education system on children as young as pre-school age in Texas and across the country.
Kids are exposed to much of this material without parental knowledge or consent.
Filmmakers Mark and Amber Archer, who attended a screening Monday night at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Plano, told the audience they spent 14 months making “The Mind Polluters” so people could know what’s happening in their schools to their kids and grandkids.
“No one wants to believe that our children are being groomed,” Mark says in themovie’s opening. “If we acknowledge it, we’ll have to do something about it.”
Comprehensive Sex Education
“Kids used to be taught about biology, birth control. Now, anything goes,” says Audrey Werner, a nurse and former sex educator-turned-activist featured in thedocumentary.
Werner also attended Monday’s premiere. She told the audience when she first started fighting against the push to sexualize kids, “I was just a mom. Who was going to listen to me?”
Since then, in addition to making the film, she’s written a book and traveled theworld—from Africa to the Texas Legislature—working to raise awareness and protect kids from the harmful effects of modern sex education rooted in Alfred Kinsey’s “fraud science.” She also started the Matthew XVIII Group as a ministry to educate Christian pastors and parents.
Cline’s experiences affirm Werner’s assertions. She spent 10 years teaching sex education for adolescents, following training she got from Planned Parenthood.
She says the objective of comprehensive sex ed for kids is “not just talking about thebiology of things, but teaching them about sex activity, assuming they’re going to be sexually active.”
“I wasn’t trained to teach abstinence,” she says in the film. “I was trained to teach kids how to have sex, where to go to get tested for STDs, and where to get theinevitable abortions.”
“We were being asked to present material to these young minds that were not even academically related,” says Caryl Ayala, a whistleblower preschool teacher from Austin featured in the film.
Ayala left teaching and started Concerned Parents of Texas after receiving Austin ISD’s “Welcoming Schools” training, a program for teaching kids about homosexuality and transgenderism and becoming “LGBT allies”—all without parental knowledge.
“In our state, if you want to teach this, you put it under anti-bullying and you don’t have to share it with parents,” Ayala says in the film. “It’s not a curriculum, it’s a program. By law, schools only have to inform parents about curriculum.”
Social Emotional Learning
The film also delves into social-emotional learning, a program for “rewiring brains” that whistleblower teacher Jennifer McWilliams calls a “gateway drug to graphic sex ed.”
McWilliams was fired after sharing information about the SEL program her school was teaching to second-graders.
“They told me it was ‘making the school look bad,’” she says in the film.
“Through SEL, the grooming process for children was more than just getting used to names for body parts, but training them to accept things that are repulsive to themand to act on emotions,” she says.
“SEL teaches values, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs,” adds Rhonda Miller, a parent advocate featured in the documentary. “They’re not going to align with parents.”
It teaches kids they “don’t have to follow outdated rules like your grandma,” Ayala adds.
Sex in Schools and Libraries
“The Mind Polluters” also explores the fight to overturn “obscenity exceptions” in Texas and other states. Such laws allow otherwise-illegal sexually explicit materials to be available to minors in public schools and libraries.
Obscene material becomes “non-obscene” as soon as it gets put into a school library, says Mary McAlister, a lawyer with the Child and Parental Rights Campaign. “If you handed it out to kids on the street, you’d be arrested.”
“Texas was the first to go after obscenity exemptions,” Werner says, but she and other activists weren’t able to get a bill through the Republican-led legislature. “There’s a great resistance.”
“Change is not going to come from churches or legislators,” she adds. “It’s going to take the grassroots.”
A ‘Worldview at Odds with the Christian Faith’
The film documents much more, including “inclusive” school policies that allow boys and girls in the same private facilities; the co-mingling of education and health (including sexual and mental health) under the CDC’s “Whole School” model, bypassing parental consent; the money behind government data collection in schools; and the systematic institutionalization of children in government schools.
The filmmakers also lament the breakdown of fundamental education.
But ultimately, it’s a wake-up call to parents and the church that schools are teaching kids their Christian values are out of date—intentionally indoctrinating theminto “a worldview at odds with the Christian faith.”
And it’s a challenge to fight back for the well-being of children and families.
“What will we do about it?” asks Mark Archer. “Will we look the other way, or will we stand?”
Article originally posted on the Texas Scorecard by Erin Anderson